CRISSCROSS Intimate Apparel

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Your Body, Your Life

Jean Criss, a breast cancer survivor, shares her post-recovery journey and the impact breast cancer had on her body health wellness in this month’s CRISSCROSS Intimates blog post. Even though there were numerous surprising experiences and complications she faced during recovery from bilateral breast cancer surgical procedures, medical treatments, radiation, infections, allergies, and medications, they did not set her back or slow her down. Despite these challenges, Jean adopted a positive outlook and channeled her energy into new ventures and adventures.

She often called herself the ‘pink energizer bunny’ charging forward, picking herself back up off the mat, and journaled these experiences in a trilogy called “My Pain Woke Me Up.

Jean emphasizes the importance of taking care of one's body and life, acknowledging that the body can only endure so much. She never dreamed that two cysts (smaller than the size of a pea and half the size of a dime) could cause so much ruckus!  She put her body and willful spirit in the front mirror and drove forward in life.  

She became an advocate, influencer, and strong leader, using her experiences to help others. Jean's journey taught her the value of focusing on joy, inspiration, self-motivation, and true body self-care. She became mindful of what she ingested, avoiding foods and drugs that triggered allergies. She devoted time to self-education about breast cancer market research, insights, solutions, and advancements in technologies. She learned that her cancer was not hereditary or genetic and that stressors in life, can bring the worst out in body health and wellness. She became a disruptor, and used her voice to acknowledge and insist on advanced treatments for breast health and wellness remedies that were better suited for her body, life and recovery.

As a breast cancer survivor, Jean has dedicated over two decades to breast healthcare advancements, particularly in post-surgical fashion and breast health awareness. She innovated a fashion-forward, contemporary post-surgical intimate apparel line aimed to provide comfort and style to survivors and people with disabilities. Jean blogs about advancements, clinical trials, technologies, and shares survivor stories to educate others. She actively participates in local and national communities, hosts and volunteers at breast cancer gala events and committees, exhibits and attends breast cancer conferences, among other programs. Jean has made significant contributions to breast cancer awareness, serving as a board member at Susan G. Komen and supporting the breast cancer community in various ways.

Jean's motto is "Don't let cancer get the BREAST of you," encouraging others to become breast cancer advocates and raise awareness. She emphasizes the importance of hope, inspiration, promise, perseverance, positivity, and the pursuit of happiness for breast cancer survivors. Jean believes in setting boundaries, focusing on the positive, and allowing oneself to be happy and enjoy life's wonders. Learn more in BLISS!, the first book in the trilogy series My Pain Woke Me Up!

Jean shares that if you don’t focus on positivity, negativity can bring you to a bad place, and sometimes it’s difficult to pull yourself out of the rut.  As Steve Jobs used to say, “Don’t let dogma drag you down.”  Jean loves this quote and focuses on this in everything she put forth. 

Jean concludes by encouraging readers to LIVE Your Dreams (as described in the 3rd trilogy), to dream BIG, LIVE it, and unleash your inner creativity to make those dreams come true. She emphasizes the importance of body positivity, health, and wellness, as they can bring joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment in life. Jean reminds everyone that good breast care begins with real self-care

Your body, your life.

Be well. Be inspired. Be happy and positive.

Sending positive vibes.

Wishing you all the Breast from the pink energizer bunny!

Jean Criss is an author, contributing writer, columnist, and blogger for several business, entrepreneur, and fashion publications. She combines community engagement and communication in storytelling, articles, blog posts, and live events. Her work as a digital media strategist, tech innovator, and post-surgical fashion designer allows her to draw upon media and tech in the most creative and innovative ways. Learn more about Jean Criss in the press, articles, blog posts, videos, social media, and other media appearances; also found on these sites and

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