CRISSCROSS Intimate Apparel

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Post-Surgical Bras That Fit Designed By The 'Magnet Chic'!

As a Breast Cancer Survivor, I desired nothing more than to recover in style and comfort.  To feel confident and look beautiful after enduring bi-lateral mastectomy with reconstructive surgery.  So the work began. I designed not just one Bra but an entire collection of post-surgical undergarments to make you feel good all over!

CRISSCROSS Intimates was innovated with almost two dozen utility-patented designs. Colors, fabrics and trims were sourced using soft, luxurious micro-fiber fabrics, providing laser cut smooth edges and a contemporary style to meet both the professional and personal needs of Survivors.  I tried to think of everything during my post-recovery (and yes, I had a long 4 years to think about it) and hence, designed this Collection with you in mind - offering Women and Men solutions for any stage or phase of post-op breast surgery.

Ease of use to wear a post-surgical Bra was crucial during my recovery.  It made me think hard about the needs to design better undergarments for mastectomy and reconstructive patients who undergo similar surgeries.  I could not raise my arms for more than a year over my head and I could not even shut a window for longer than that.  The surgeons took most of my upper breast tissue and muscle away and it took me a long time to recover, especially after multiple surgeries. Mind you, this was for Stage 0 and Stage 1 DCIS breast cancer, very small cancer tumors. Nonetheless, no matter what stage or phase surgery you undergo, I wanted to offer alternative undergarments for lumpectomy, mastectomy, reconstructive or augmentative surgeries.  Whether it be a cyst or tumor, one inch margins on each side takes away a lot of breast tissue.  The proper compression undergarment that fits can make the world of difference while you heal.

Insurance-Reimbursable, Accredited Designs, Affordable!

I incorporated the use of color psychology as a healing factor, the use of magnets providing a form energy when close to the body, low-profile Velcro to ensure comfort, sexy racer-back with breast cancer symbol with adjustable shoulder straps, and other features on both The Nina and Grace Bras.  I even designed a Criss-cross wrap theme on all the patterns to ensure ease-of-use to wear was comfortable and not complicated  (See more images on our Fit Guides).

A Crisscross Medical Pouch offers convenience to wear inside your pants or top if you prefer to alternate or not use the detachable drain holders also sold with the Bra.  The Bra supports 4 Medical Drains and you can wear 4 Pouches to hold standard size 100cc Jackson Pratt Medical drains post-surgery.

Take a look at The Nina Bra laid out below and all the bells and whistles available for sale during post-recovery, also available in a variety of 10 bold beautiful colors.

For product or media inquiries, contact designer, Jean Criss here.  For press, take a look.